Easily and Quickly Start Your Sale File Electronically

Congratulations on the selling of your home!  Sherry Anderson and her staff would be pleased to assist you with your sale.  Start your sale file easily and quickly with us by providing the information below and sending it to our office electronically.  More importantly, if you have any questions or concerns or would rather start your sale file with a simple call to our office, please phone us at 250-635-5988.  


    Name of Person Completing Form (required)
    Phone Number (required)
    Email Address (required)
    Address of Property being Sold
    Completion Date


    First Seller's Information

    First Name
    Middle Name
    Last Name
    Email Address
    Current Mailing Address
    Home Phone
    Work Phone
    Cell Phone
    First Seller's Forwarding Mailing Address (Please complete)

    Second Seller's Information

    First Name
    Middle Name
    Last Name


    Email Address
    Current Mailing Address (if different from above)
    Home Phone
    Work Phone
    Cell Phone
    Second Seller's Forwarding Mailing Address (Please complete)


    Is there a mortgage on the property? YesNo

    If yes, provide the following information.

    Mortage/Loan #1

    Financial Lender Name
    Mortgage Ref# (Obtain from Statement)

    What is the approximate balance outstanding?

    Mortage/Loan #2

    Financial Lender Name
    Branch Information
    Mortgage Ref# (Obtain from Statement)

    What is the approximate balance outstanding?

    Additional Payout Information (Include Reference No#)


    Do you have a realtor assisting you with your sale? (selection required) YesNo (If no, please continue to the next question)
    (If yes, notify your realtor that my office will be acting for you on the sale)

    If yes, provide the following information.

    Realtor Name
    Realtor Company
    Realtor Phone


    Do you have any travel plans prior to the Completion Date? (selection required) YesNo

    If yes, please provide the details:

    Are you on an tax instalment plan with the Municipality?

    If Yes it is important that you immediately contact the taxation authority to CANCEL your tax instalment plan for property taxes (selection required) Will Do ImmediatelyI have already cancelled PlanN/A

    Additional Remarks/Information

    A staff member will contact you shortly after submission of this form. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call my office at: 250-635-5988.